Reasons to Avoid Alcohol

A drink is any liquid intended for consumption. In addition to their primary purpose of quenching thirst, beverages also play key roles in human society. Most commonly common beverages include water, juice, milk and soft drinks. Historically, warm beverages such as hot chocolate, tea and coffee were always considered beverages to be enjoyed by adults. Today, however, these drinks are more commonly enjoyed by young people, children and adolescents.


It’s been said that the oldest known drink was found in ancient Egypt, dating back to around 3000 B.C. Although it’s difficult to say with certainty, it’s believed that wine and beer may have played an important role in the ancient societies of ancient Africa, Asia and the Middle East. These societies didn’t have access to processed, commercial alcoholic beverages when they first discovered the tastes and aromas of these liquids. The only beverage they had available to them were natural liquids such as water, fruit juices and honey.

Throughout the ages, various cultures have developed their own unique take on popular drinks. Some of the more popular choices for beverage choices throughout history are the juice of the date, Madeira wine and hazelnut. Each of these drinks has its own distinctive taste, origin and method of preparation. For example, Madeira wine, which is red in color, was traditionally consumed during the Christmas holidays.

During the Renaissance, Italian Renaissance, people learned that red wine can enhance the taste of certain food items. For example, it would enhance the flavor of pastries, cheeses, fish, meats and desserts. At the time, beer was much less prevalent and much less profitable, although during this time, beer was consumed in large quantities. Because of this, beer brewers found methods of producing high-alcoholic beverages like beer, which was much cheaper and much easier to produce.

Modern researchers have discovered that a glass of grapefruit contains approximately one milligram of pure resveratrol. A glass of red wine contains approximately two hundred and forty milligrams of this compound. This means that a moderate amount of regular beer contains about one gram of resveratrol per ounce of regular beer. Although it is difficult to obtain, red grapes are the most important source of resveratrol and can be found in red wine.

It seems clear that there are significant health benefits to drinking alcohol on a regular basis. Moderate amounts of alcohol seem to have some positive health effects, but drinking too much can have negative health consequences. Research indicates that excessive alcohol consumption can lead to cirrhosis of the liver and cancer of the colon. Drinking too much can also increase the risk of many types of heart disease and contribute to kidney problems. Because of this, it is important that moderate drinkers limit their alcohol consumption to no more than a few glasses of wine or alcoholic beverages a week.

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