Heroes are considered to be ordinary people who overcome extraordinary odds to achieve noble and extraordinary goals. Usually this category includes heroic acts like heroism during wartime. Sometimes heroes are those people who have won or obtained admiration for their abilities. Heroes are also the heroes behind seemingly impossible deeds. There are many heroes in history from around the world. Here are just some of the types of heroes:
The first category is the typical hero, who works for the government or for a popular cause such as patriotism. A good example would be Superman, a Superman who not only fights villains but also does the right thing among the people. Another example would be George Washington, the US President from 1776 to 1793. George Washington is listed as a typical hero because he did not hesitate to fight for what he believed in, which in this case was freedom.
Then the second type of heroes are those who take the personal risk to go beyond the rules, surpass normal rules of existence, and do something extraordinary that usually normal people would not have the guts to do. This type of heroes are the ones who we call heroes. Batman in particular is another example of a modern day heroic figure.
The third type of heroes are the unconventional heroes who are not just acting according to the set of instructions but are doing things in a manner contrary to the usual behavior. An example of an unconventional hero would be Robin Williams, who in every movie he plays shows how he chooses to behave and what makes him feel confident and happy. Another unconventional hero who almost every one thinks to be a hero is Bruce Lee, who practically saved the world with his physical prowess and without any weapon. This kind of heroes is very rare and unlike any other heroes, they make their mark by performing truly unusual and even ordinary personal actions in which they exceed the normal or expected values of the people around them.
The fourth and last type of heroes are the mythological heroes. They are those who we think of as Superman, spiderman, or wolverine. These heroes have powers that surpass normal human capacity and are not limited by the rules of the universe. Mythological heroes do great deeds, which are under the authority of the gods. For instance, Odysseus had to cross the sea while fighting against the Trojan hero Hector.
Modern readers may find it hard to believe that there are different kinds of heroes, since all we ever see or read about are the examples provided by popular literature such as the Harry Potter series, the Lord of the Rings, and the Chronicles of Narnia. But in real life, all kinds of heroes act to help others and sometimes fulfill noble duties that transcend those works of fiction. Our society should applaud each and every kind of heroic effort and every single time that a hero undertakes something to better humanity and to make the world a better place. Please share this article using the buttons below; you would be happy to help others and to become a contributing writer to online websites.