To toto is one of the most popular languages spoken in Brazil, a South American country. The dialect of toto is very different from other Brazilian languages. The sentence structure is always subject – verb – object. This feature makes it very easy to learn and communicate with. You will also learn how to use formal and casual speech in toto.
A toto is used very commonly in movies and in the daily life of ordinary people in Brazil. Some examples of toto phrases include: tin man (person), tin man alive (Alive), the bald (said after a shave), the bee (informal), and many more. When you use the acronym phrase in toto, it usually means: all together, or “with a few exceptions.” The adverbial use of toto is used to state a simple truth: “Truly.” When you use the phrase in toto with an adjective, it shows that something is pretty good: “A beautiful woman.”
In Brazilian movies, toto usually means: Tin Man. In the Tin Man movies, Tom Cruise plays a character called Mark Twain, who lives in a town called “Tinahala” in the state of Florida. He has a cousin named Becky Thatcher and a friend named Phyllis. In the first movie, the character of Mark Twain transforms himself into a toto: after getting shot by a whiz-bang bullet in the leg in a bar, his left leg becomes “TinMan”.
In the television series Be Right Back, Matthew McConaughey plays an American in South America whose accent is a bit off. One day, he finds a letter addressed to “Toto”, with an address book stuffed with his name. Upon returning home, he realizes that his name is not on the book. Upon further investigation, it turns out that “Toto” is the name of the hotel where Becky Thatcher stays. She informs her friend Phyllis (Diane Lane) that her cousin is “Toto” and that they are family.
The phrase originated from Portuguese, where toto means “other, other side”. From this root, toto became a common term for any object that is other than oneself. For example, toto was used to mean “mate” in Brazil. It can also be used in a friendly way, to mean “a companion”. The phrase originated in Portuguese in a comic strip from the 1930s called Boy dearies.
The term toto is not only seen in books and movies; it is also used in the language of the Swahili people. Toto is a common noun, meaning “a dog”. It can also be used as a verb, meaning “to become”. The phrase “TOTO” literally means, “let us play together”; an alternative form of the verb “toto” is “tu estas”.